Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Numb Hands and Barn Chores

I am a warm weather kind of gal and this morning has proved that to me, I wake up at 5 am and get that all important first cup of coffee in me, Look at the weather on the computer while I try to wake up, then today I donned two pair of socks, long johns and jeans, Tee shirt, long john top and sweat shirt, put on my "Turkey Poop" Shoes and finally my coat, grabbed my gloves and out the door to the barn! There is frost all over the ground that glistened so pretty as the sun rose in the sky. I tread down the hill to the barn with my egg basket in hand and think...This isn't so bad!
That is until I get to the barn, start watering the animals and the darn hose is now leaking....out of the nozzle and over my hands, but I continued on even though after a short...and I mean short while later, I could no longer feel my hands! Have you ever tried to open the water bottle of a rabbit cage with numb fingers? Well let me tell you it isn't easy... but the chores must be done, I got the rabbits watered, fed and then saw Bubbers, our cat!!! He wanted fed, I needed warm hands with feelings and so, I grabbed him and tried to hold on to him for some much needed warmth!
Well...All I got was this look of disgust from him as he jumped out of my arms then proceeded to his feed bowl and demanded food! Lucky for him, I have a soft heart and obliged him.
Next it was the turkeys turn, I went in the coop with frozen, numb hands and grabbed the feeder...its metal! Good thing I already couldn't feel my hands grabbed the feeder and filled it, then had to empty the water can and fill it.... fingers burning from being so cold. After all that, I spread more straw about the Turkey coop and then had to make way to the chickens (ugg... I am so cold) and guess what?......
Same thing as the turkeys, the chickens needed feed and fresh water, well eggs have to be gathered and that is not easy to do with fingers you thought just fell off because you can not feel them! The only good thing was that while reaching under Queenie, I didn't feel much when she pecked me!!!
With the Morning barn chores done, I make my way to the house and grab my coffee, not to drink at this moment, but to warm up my hands!
Time to build a fire in the wood stove I think!!!!
The bad thing about this morning.....Its only October! I am not looking forward to winter, I think I need to ask Santa for some better gloves and warmer country clothing!

1 comment:

  1. now you are talking my kind of weather. I am a cold weather lover and hate the hot humid summers. I try to empty, wash out and fill the water bottles, buckets, etc each evening feed so that next morning they will still have water till the sun comes out and its a little warmer handling the waterhose. Isn't it peaceful in the early morning out with the animals! love reading your blog.
