Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Unfortunately Sheba did not work out for us, she was an older dog who was set in her ways and at times not very nice, she would growl and occasionally snap at us when we would try to play with her or discipline her for something she did wrong and with a young child in the house that was not a chance we could afford to take so, We have had to take her to the animal shelter where she could be evaluated and we hope placed with a proper home where she will fit in.
Robin was so upset, she has wanted an animal to call her own for a very long time and had a hard time accepting that Sheba was not the one for her or Ryan.
We understood that heartache and talked to her about finding a puppy that would grow up with Ryan and be trained to be the dog that would be good for our family so, she combed the newspaper for a few days and found this adorable little sheltie puppy, he is 5 months old and just as sweet as can be!
We have taken him in and he is getting along great with Hunter our Golden Retriever and Bandit just's adores Ryan, They are playing together as I write this, So.... I think I had better go check to see if my living room is still intact!
A New puppy and a two and half year old can create alot of damage very quickly!

1 comment:

  1. Bandit is a beautiful boy! We rescued a black tri Aussie over 5 years ago (we already had two other Aussies). It was one of the best experiences of our lives.
