Friday, November 9, 2007

Its Snowing!

I woke up this morning and made the bed, brought in firewood to stock the wood box because the weather man was calling for rain showers, I saw Alan and Robin off to work and then started a load of laundry. Ryan and I then got dressed and went to the barn for the morning chores.We have one hen who has a touch of pneumonia and is in the hospital area, she seems to be improving with the care I have been giving her but, she is not ready to go back in the coop with the rest of her family yet. The baby bunnies are doing good, we have four left and they now have fur! There are two brown, 1 grey and 1 black
As we were walking down to the barn it was snowing! a beautiful white shower! The snow is melting as it hits the ground but it is pretty to see it fall from the sky!
I am going to use up the rest of the apples to make apple butter today and work on some sewing for Christmas gifts!

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