Monday, November 19, 2007

Thanksgiving Reflections

This is it, the week before Thanksgiving! So much to do, so much to prepare....Its enough to make you feel exhausted just thinking about it!

As I spend this week Cleaning the house and making food to lead up to that Big Dinner day I thought I would sit back, take a deep breath and think about what Thanksgiving day is all about anyway!

Thanksgiving is not just about Turkey and all the yummy food that will grace our tables on Thursday... although that is a very good part of it!

It's not about the big parades or the football game, or even running ourselves ragged to prepare a big feast, Thanksgiving is a day to spend time with our Families and a time to reflect on what true blessings we have been given in our life!

So I will list the 10 things I am most Thankful for;

1. My Family

2. Food on my table

3. A Roof over my head

4. Good Health

5. Good Friends

6. Work to keep me busy

7. Living in the United States

8. Freedom to make my own decisions

9. My Farm Animals in the country

These are just a few things that I am thankful for, there are so many blessing that we are given in this life, which are often just taken for granted...
Thanksgiving should be a day to gather with Family and Friends, sit down to a good meal that was prepared with the labor of love and reflect on the many Blessings that have often been overlooked on most ordinary days!

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