Saturday, December 1, 2007

Gathering Wood

We spent our day gathering firewood!

We cut, Chopped and split wood most of the day!

Hunter came along to help ,but he really just ran around exploring in the woods,

Lucky Dog!

The weather was perfect, just enough chill in the air to work without getting too warm or cold! We had a perfect blue sky all day,
funny how the weather can be so deceiving, we are expecting to get freezing rain and snow starting tonight.

When we came home, Alan split the big chunks of wood to fit in the wood stove and Robin helped stack the wood into nice neat stacks while I got started on fixing dinner. We ate oven fried chicken with my home made shake and bake seasoning, Angel hair pasta with a Parmesan sauce and snow peas, for desert I made Chocolate chip cookies!

We had a good time, got a lot of work done and it feels good at the end of the day!

Who needs a gym membership when you live in the country?


  1. Firewood seems to be a never ending job doesn't it? But boy oh boy it sure does keep one cozy and warm in the winter! My hubby and our boys have been busy today gathering wood too. They are all vegged out on the couch now watching the WVU and Pitt football game.

    Have a great evening!

  2. I love country living, plenty of good exercise with no mirrors looking back at you
