Tuesday, February 26, 2008

100 foot diet challenge update

We are busy planning our garden and we have decided we will build raised garden beds. This will allow us to start with the best soil we can get and we wont have to worry about as many weeds, I have been reading Jerry Bakers book "Old Time Gardening Wisdom" and we have been searching through seed catalogs to find Organic and Heirloom seeds to plant. We will be getting started on our garden as soon as the weather breaks and the ice and snow melt away!
In the mean time;

We raise meat rabbits, which will also provide us with excellent compost for our garden from their manure!
We raise Rhode Island Reds and Silver Laced Wyandottes for fresh eggs daily, we get enough eggs every day to feed us and sell the rest to help off set the cost of the chicken feed!

This is an old picture of our eggs

We also raise Royal Palm Turkeys for meat and have just learned that there is a market for their eggs, we can sell the fertile Turkey eggs for $2.00 each to anyone locally who is interested in incubating and hatching their own Turkeys, We also had someone approach us about buying one of our Toms for $40.00!
That will also help offset the coast of raising them!
We have plans of purchasing an incubator and hatching our own Turkey's and Chicken's to keep our meat supplies strong.
We are still eating the canned peaches, tomatoes, apple sauce and apple butter that I put up last fall!
We have only 4 more weeks until it is spring and we are wanting to grow these vegatables in our garden;
Tomatoes, Peppers, Corn, Lettuce, Peas, Onions,Green beans,Carrots, Potatoes,Zucchini and yellow squash.
We are also considering planting some fruit trees, Blackberries and strawberries.
I am so anxious to get started!
What are your plans?


  1. You are so Blessed! I used to live on a farm when I was a child and I have the fondest memories...I wish I had the land and the resources to be able to do so now....someday!
    I enjoyed your post today!

  2. How inspiring! We are just beginning our journey in self-sufficiency, but I am so encouraged by reading your post today. That is just awesome!

    Be Blessed!

  3. Count my blessings every day for being able to have goats, chickens, gardens, etc. Sure makes a difference in taste and in my grocery bill
