Tuesday, February 12, 2008


It has been snowing all day, Alan, Robin and Ryan were out enjoying it all afternoon!

Ryan with his rosy cheeks!

Even the dogs were having fun!

Ryan sledding down the hill!

Robins turn!

Ryan played awhile on his swing set!
Hunter and Bandit were all over the place!

They all had a wonderful time, the snow is supposed to turn to freezing rain tonight and then to all rain by tomorrow morning...it was a good thing they were able to enjoy it today!
Now its time to make hot chocolate for the frozen family!


  1. those rosey cheeks! Oh so cute! looks like they had a wonderful time. when is it your turn to sled down the hill??

  2. Adorable photos...I love the pink cheeks! No snow for us yet...just rain and rain and rain!
