Sunday, March 30, 2008

Boys and their Toys

We had some work done around our homestead on Saturday, we had an area that we are turning into parking graded down and the top soil removed and placed down by the garden area, He also graded some of the ground for our raised garden beds and had a manure pile brought up from the barn to the garden area. Then down by the barn we had an area widened and a wet weather pond worked on a little bit. It was exciting to see all this work done in such a small amount of time!

Here is the skid steer before they started

Ryan got the ride of his life for awhile, he got to ride in the skid steer and move some of the controls!

All the work that had been done in about three hours by this machine would have taken us about two months or more to complete by hand, The operator was a friend of ours and would not accept any money, God had answered a few prayers for us that day!

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