Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Candling the eggs

We candled the eggs in the incubator last night,
The tools you need to candle an egg are very simple,

We used an empty coffee can that we cut a quarter size whole into the bottom,

Then we placed a flashlight under the opening that we cut into the can, and placed the egg over the opening. we kept all the lights out in the room so we could have a better view.

We were looking to see if the light would pass through the egg, you should see an air pocket at one end of the egg and at the other end there should be just a dark area that the light could not pass through.

If the light passed through the entire egg, it means that egg was not fertile and we disposed of it.

We candled all 20 eggs and only had 1 bad egg so far.
We will candle one more time before the hatch, from what I have been reading we should at that time be able to see the actual chick!
We should have little baby chicks hatching around March 29Th!
I'm so excited!

It makes me feel like an expecting Mom!


  1. Cool...can't wait to see the updates.


  2. That is just fascinating! I am learning so much. I think I might be as excited as you are! LOL

    Wishing you lots of chicks,

  3. I used to hatch a lot of eggs of all kinds in the incubator and as you say it is so exciting! One time I set a double yolked egg just to see what would happen. Both yolks started developing but after about two weeks the one chick died, then in about another week the other one died. I think the reason the second died was from the toxins of the first one killed the second. It was a fun experment, but I felt bad that they had died.

    Have fun with your babies.

  4. That really is exciting!! I can't wait to see the lil fuzzy chicks! Reading your blog takes me back to when I was raised on my Grandmother's farm...my Great Aunt had a farm not too far away from that....such wonderful memories...a wholesome childhood for sure.
