Thursday, March 6, 2008

Seeds of hope!

Today we placed our order for garden seeds!

We ordered or seeds from Heirloom Seeds, This is a company that guarantees the seeds they sell are non hybrid and untreated and that they are NOT Genetically Modified!
That was the most important factor for our purchase from this company.
Here is the package we ordered;

The VICTORY GARDEN package includes:
BEANS (6 varieties): Black Turtle, Bush Blue Lake, Commodore, Fordhook Lima, Old Homestead Pole and Pencil Pod Black Wax
BEETS ( 2 varieties): Chiogga and Early Wonder
BROCCOLI (1 variety): De Cicco
BRUSSELS SPROUT (1 variety): Long Island Improved
CABBAGE (2 varieties): Early Jersey Wakefield and Red Danish
CARROTS (2 varieties): Amsterdam Minicor and Autumn King
CAULIFLOWER (1 variety): Early Snowball
CELERY (1 variety): Golden Self Blanching
COLLARD (1 variety): Georgia
CORN ( 1 variety): Golden Bantam
CUCUMBER (2 varieties): National Pickling and Tendergreen Burpless
EGGPLANT (1 variety): Black Beauty
GOURD (1 variety): Ornamental Small Mix
KALE (1 variety): Dwarf Blue Curled
KOHLRABI (1 variety): Early White Vienna
LEEK (1 variety): American Flag
LETTUCE (5 varieties): Black Seeded Simpson, Buttercrunch, Freckles Romaine, Gourmet Salad Blend, and Mesculin Mix
MELONS (2 varieties): Jenny Lind and Sweet Passion
MUSTARD GREENS (1 variety): Southern Giant Curled
OKRA (1 variety): Clemson Spineless
ONION, BUNCHING (1 variety): Evergreen White Bunching
PARSNIP (1 variety): Hollow Crown
PEPPERS (4 varieties): California Wonder, California Wonder Gold, Jalapeno and Long Red Cayenne
PEAS (3 varieties): Early Frosty, Mammoth Melting Sugar and Sugar Daddy
PUMPKINS (1 variety): New England Pie
RUTABAGA (1 variety): American Purple Top
RADISH (2 varieties): Easter Egg and Crimson Giant
SPINACH (2 varieties): Bloomsdale Long Standing and New Zealand
SQUASH, SUMMER (4 varieties): Dark Green Zucchini, Golden Zucchini, White Patty Pan and Yellow Crookneck
SQUASH, WINTER (2 varieties): Butternut and Spaghetti
SWISS CHARD (2 varieties): Lucullus and Ruby Red
SOUTHERN PEA (1 variety): California Black-Eyed
TOMATO (6 varieties): Besser, Big Red, Giant Beefsteak, Homestead 24, Pink Brandywine and Roma
TURNIPS (1 variety): Purple Top White Globe
WATERMELON (1 varieties): Sugar Baby
HERBS (10 varieties): Basil, Chives, Coriander, Cumin, Dill, Marjoram, Oregano, Parsley, Summer Savory and Thyme

Please wish us lots of luck!
I will post pictures on our progress!


  1. Wow...thats quite a variety you have there! May you reap what you sow!

  2. I am very impressed. I am also excited about my garden this year. I will check this place out. Thanks for linking to them. I really enjoy visiting your blog.

  3. best of luck ann! you are certainly going to be busy

  4. you are going to be a very busy lady ! I am still undecided on all that we are going to plant.

  5. Your garden is going to be wonderful! I am so excited for you.

    Wishing you the very best, Lea

  6. Dear Mike Huckabee Blogger,

    Brett Passmore and Tommy Brents, formerly of HucksArmy, have begun an effort to bring together values voters accross America. Please take a moment to review the general welcome message from the main page of our site:


    Welcome to the F3 coalition. We’re an organization founded by true conservatives. We support candidates, legislation and education that promote our three principal values.

    We believe that our mission is to inspire, educate, motivate and empower individuals to become values-voters so that they can become active in the political process.

    Our vision is to have an ever increasing group of values voters who are active in promoting conservative principles in local, state, and federal governments (specifically the “f3″ values).

    The F3 values mentioned above are faith, family and freedom.

    * Faith - We believe faith is essential to conservatism. Only through a close personal relationship with Jesus Christ can true compassion and conservative values be understood.

    * Family - We believe that the traditional family is the only means by which to enact change in a corrupt society and to bring meaningful structure to a diseased culture.

    * Freedom - We believe that every living person is the legitimate creation of God and that all persons should have the freedom to worship and live without the burden of an oppressive national or world government.

    If you believe in this cause and the values we espouse, then we invite you to join our fight. Hundreds of conservatives just like you have already joined our ranks and with your help we can help change the direction of American politics.


    We have already taken the Liberty of adding your blog to our blogroll at, and I invite you to promote our organization on your blog using one of the banners available on our promotion page here:

    If for some reason you'd like to be removed from our blogroll please reply to this email or send a message to Thank you for your time and consideration of our organization.

    Jane Hall
    North Carolina

    Faith Family Freedom
