Friday, June 27, 2008

A walk in the park

We had a rain storm come through this afternoon and cooled things down a bit, so we decided to get sandwiches and have dinner by the river.

After we ate, we all went for a walk in a local park

We had a great walk except for the mosquitos!

We found this guy on the side of the path!
It was a nice evening away from the house for a little while, now everyone is just relaxing and the dogs are sleeping!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a lovely evening! I just love to take a walk after meal times.

    Sadly, between the ticks and mosquitos we've not been able to do that much this summer. Rocky Spotted Mountain Fever seems to be a problem around here right now. My poor fil has been suffering with it for 2 weeks now because of a tick bite so we're being extra cautious with the children.

    You have such a lovely family.

