Friday, January 9, 2009

Home Made Bread!

There is something about homemade bread that is just so satisfying to your whole body! With just a few ingredients and some kneading mixed with a little patience you get something wonderful, oh and the smell that wafts through the air as you bake your freshly risen bread is just as rewarding to the senses!
and last but not least is the taste.... no store bought bread can stand next to home made in flavor and texture!

I enjoy baking bread and look forward to that fist slice, still warm from the oven with a little butter and home made apple sauce... it just doesn't get any better!
If you have never baked bread, I would recommend you try!
it really isn't as hard as you think but, I will warn you,
there wont be any left overs to go stale!


  1. Well, now in the WORLD do you expect me to BAKE your bread...which I remember and am currently Drooling....but if you don't supply the recipe, I'm having to settle for Holsum...which isn't as WHOLESOME as yours!

    Hope you got your "surprise" in the EMAIL!!! Let me know!
