Wednesday, October 31, 2007

New Baby Bunnies!

Midnight gave birth last night to 5 little baby bunnies! It looks like we have 1 brown spotted, 2 brown and 2 black. Time will tell as I get a better look at them. Mom got an apple treat while I got to sneak a peek at her babies! I will add pictures when the babies are a little more stable and have actual fur on them! This is Midnights first litter and I don't want to mess up by being too curious!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Annie, or is it Ann? :)
    I'm just reading through your blog to hopefully get to know more about you. Sounds like you need some of those Hot Hands packets. LOL

    I don't know how morning people do it! I am a total night owl and have been an insomniac all my life. It has its ups and downs too though. ;)

    I like the idea of living on a farm and having animals. I admire people that can make that a lifestyle, but if I were to be honest with myself, my poor animals would starve to death before I'd get out to feed them. I think they prefer breakfast BEFORE 2pm. lol

    My parents always had a garden. We made homemade candy during the holidays.
    Mom made lye soaps some times. Once we did have chickens but not for very long. I helped clean, cut, and can the food from the garden. That was actually fun, to me. I didn't have much of a hand in raising the gardens though because I had school and all that jazz. I wish now that I'd have paid more attention.
    I tried to grow my own tomatoes this year and what were supposed to be huge beefsteak tomatoes came out more like cherry or grape tomatoes. (blush)

    Anyway, I just had an idea to write to you on my blog. When you have a free minute come on over and I'll try to do a mini introductory about myself for you. Might save you some time over trying to read through thread after thread. :)
