Thursday, November 8, 2007

NaNa's little man

Ryan is growing so fast and learning new things everyday, he seems to be gaining new Independence almost daily too and that makes me just a little sad. I like him being 2 years old! I know how fast my own daughters grew up and for now I just want Ryan to stay young a little longer!
I love this age, This is the time in a young child's life that is filled with wonder and excitement over everything no matter how big or how small!
He is growing to be quite the little helper, he wanted to carry the egg basket to the barn for NaNa today, he held onto it and said "I Help" That made me feel so proud, He took the basket and put his toy trucks into it and carried the basket to the barn for me. We have been spending many good quality moments together like this one and I treasure each and every one of them!

1 comment:

  1. Two is a great age. They want to do everything and be so helpful!
    Thanks for your comment on my photo blog.
