Thursday, March 6, 2008

Counting Down to Earth Hour!

The countdown has began only
Three weeks to go!
On March 29th at 8:00 PM people from around the world will be uniting in an effort to save energy for our Beautiful Earth!
last year in Australia alone, one city started the movement they called Earth Hour, Homes and Businesses turned off their non essential electric for one hour. The result was dramatic, they saved enough power and eliminated enough emissions from our environment in one hour and the result was the equivalent of taking 48,000 cars off the road!
That was One city for One hour!
Imagine what we can do this year by joining in a world wide effort to help ease a little bit of the burden we put on our planet,
one hour might not stop Global Warming but,
it is a starting point to help slow it down.
This is just one little thing we can do to help insure a better future for generations to come, to make people aware of Global Warming and to start taking small steps toward the things we can all do that will make a difference!
We are ready, we have the oil lanterns filled and we are planning a family game night by lantern light.
and as a continuing effort;
We have switched over to compact fluorescent bulbs in our all our lamps.
We turn out all lights when we are not in a room.
We burn wood in the winter for heat instead of using gas or electric.
and we are planning to power down at least once a week, it is our way of helping make a difference in our environment and
the chance to find better quality family time, that is not being distracted by modern technologies like
the T.V, Computer or Video games!
I hope you will also consider joining the effort that started in Australia and has grown world wide in only its second year!
Visit Earth Hour to learn more!

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