Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mothers Day Tea

We enjoyed a surprise Mothers Day Tea party in honor of our Mom
While Mom was at Church, Robin and I set everything up and when she came home she was very surprised!Robin, Myself, Mom, Linda and Kelsey

The table all set

The food table

We had a variety of tea, Blueberry and orange cranberry scones, Chicken salad, egg salad and cucumber finger sandwiches, assorted fresh fruit cookies and tarts. As a remembrance of our day we all got Sweet William flowers to plant in our gardens.
The weather was cloudy, a bit windy and a little cold but we all enjoyed our time together and agreed to make this a Mothers Day tradition from now on!


  1. What a wonderful way to celebrate Mother's Day

  2. You and Robin did a wonderful job making everything look so pretty on such a rainy day. Hope you dont mind me stealing the idea for next mothers day!

  3. You and Robin did wonderful job making everything look so pretty on such a rainy day. Im glad you had a nice time with your family. Hope you dont mind me stealing the idea for next year. :)

  4. I just love that! Your serving table and food table are just beautiful. I'm sure your mother was so very happy. I know I would have been.

