Thursday, May 15, 2008

Tomatos Planted

I have planted 16 tomato plants.
6 Big Red, 4 Pink Brandy Wine and 6 Giant Beefsteak, all heirloom varieties and started by seed.
I started my tomatoes around mid March in seed trays then transferred them to peat pots and again transferred them to coffee cans that we recycled as pots!
This is my first year starting veggies from seed so I am sure I have alot to learn but, so far everything seems to be doing good, this weekend I want to get my pepper plants in and start my bush beans.


  1. Looking good! You will be eating fresh tomatoes before you know it.

  2. Oh..I do hope you have great success with your veggies...I am having a hard enough time trying to get the grass to grow....Good for you!
    Robin your turkey...such a handsome fellow!

  3. I am impressed! We haven't got our garden planted yet because of rain. Hopefully, next week will be the week. Right now it is still wet. I grew my tomato plants from seed too. I hope mine look as good as yours when I put them in the ground.

  4. How wonderful that you can grow good pure things for your family to eat and have it look so appealing as well! You are truly inspiring.


  5. Good luck! :)
    I can't get anything to grow, it seems. It's shameful to admit since I was raised by parents that put out two large gardens every year! lol
