Friday, November 2, 2007

The Farmers Almanac

Do you read the Farmers Almanac?
I do and there are lots of great articles and tips to be learned from the almanac, it even includes some very good recipes!

I have found in the past that the Almanac is usually pretty accurate in its forecasts, here is the long range forecast for November in my area of the country, Lets see how accurate it turns out to be!

November 2007

1st-3rd Fair skies 4th-7th Stormy weather develops over Mid-Atlantic States, early-season snowfall possible, then clearing, cold. Gusty, wet for ING New York City Marathon 8th-11th Light snows rapidly sweep into New England 12th-15th Fair skies persist 16th-19th Squally conditions into Mid-Atlantic States, stormy New England, then clearing, much colder. 20th-23rd Weather deteriorates by Thanksgiving. Fair at first, then turning wet, with rain mixed with snow New England. Cold rain Virginia, Maryland 24th-27th Mostly fair, cold 28th-30th Generally fair weather
If you go to their website you can see the long range forecast for your area as well as read some interesting articles about weather, Gardening, Farming and lots more!

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