Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy November!

Well, Its November already, Time to start thinking about Thanksgiving and then Christmas! I started to make my cinnamon ornaments this morning but then realized that my Christmas cookie cutters are packed away with the decorations, So I will have to wait until I have the time to look through the box's in the barn.
My Daughters Birthday is the 20th of this month so, Ryan and I made a print of his hands out of salt dough this morning for him to give to his Mom on her Birthday! This is a picture of it right out of the oven, I just have to let it cool and decorate it with some paint and ribbon.
Ryan has been under the weather this week with a croup cough and has not had much energy, I don't like to see the little ones feeling bad, its so pitiful.
Today is cloudy and calling for rain so, I think it will be a good day to get some house cleaning done!


  1. what a neat gift ideal! I so need to get started on my cinnamon ornaments and gifts but I am so stressed out lately and seem to stay behind in everything. Keep me in your prayers!

  2. You are in my prayers! Just remember to take time for YOU!

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