Thursday, May 14, 2009

Its a Colt!!!

Introducing Dexter our new Arabian/ Thoroughbred Colt
Born May 13, 2009 at 11:25 PM

We were told by the vet that Willow should be due to have her foal sometime in March, We had no due date to go by because they were discovered to be pregnant when we bought them, so this lack of information and the vets guess as to when it "could" be lead to a lot of sleepless nights for us....since March 28th we either stayed awake watching Willow because she would show signs that it was very soon, only to stop her labor and then nothing.
When we didn't stay awake watching, We would take turns getting up every hour and looking at the monitor to see what she was doing.
It would figure that Willow would foal while we were not here, My car broke down Monday and Alan had to come pick me up from work, while on our way home Robin called to say she looked at the monitor and Willow had foaled!
So we missed the actual birth but we made it home in time to see Dexter get up for the first time and take his first steps, nuzzle with his Mom and nurse!
I checked the placenta and found it to be intact! Both Willow and Dexter seem to be very healthy and happy!
When we first pulled into the driveway, I ran into the house and changed out of my nurses uniform into jeans so fast that I think I may have broke some Guinness world record or something! I flew down the barn but then I took my time approaching Mom and baby because I was not sure how protective Willow might be and thought caution was needed! Willow was wonderful about us being there and let us touch and examine her new little one, we mucked out the stall around her and put down fresh straw bedding to remove the mess from the delivery, all the while Willow did not mind the interruption. Once Dexter got to his feet and started nursing, we felt comfortable leaving the barn to let Mom and baby have some quiet time and bond some more while we watched from the monitor at the house for a few more hours before going to bed.
It was a wonderful event that we waited what seemed like forever to happen and finally found ourselves with a sweet new horse!
Now we have to wait for Badger to have her baby. So I see more sleepless nights in our future but, it is such a great experience that we would not trade it for anything!!!


  1. Sounds like a great experience! I sure would've loved to have been there.

    Hope to hear about Badger's new one soon! :)

  2. What an experience! Must be quite nerve racking though!
