Friday, May 15, 2009

Willow and Dexter

Willow and Dexter are doing great, Willow is a very good Mom, attentive and Loving to Dexter! She is very good about letting us around them and Dexter is very curious about who we are, he is getting more energy, moving around the stall and playing. He came up to me last night and kept stretching his neck towards my face like he was giving kisses!
Badger' Teats are still filling with milk, no waxing yet so I don't think it will be much longer until Badger has her foal, I hope it is soon though, She will not leave her stall, she wants to be by Willow and Dexter and she looks at Dexter like, "I want one of those"!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how adorable!!!

    Welcome Dexter, he sure is a cutie...such a Blessing!!

    God bless your expanding family, I know they are in great hands!
