Sunday, March 30, 2008

Earth Hour

We took part in Earth hour last night and turned out all the lights, we unplugged everything that was non essential to have on.
We lit the oil lanterns and played board games.
It was so wonderful spending the quiet time together as a family.
This was something we did to help raise awareness on global warming and to help reduce our carbon impact, we plan to have regular Earth Hour nights and we have taken the steps to switch out our light bulbs to compact fluorescent, we have our electronics and cell phone chargers plugged in to a power strip that gets turned off when those things are not in use. We have given up on Plastic and paper and instead now try to use reusable canvas bags when we do our shopping.
We are starting a garden to grow some of our own food and we have chickens, Turkeys and Rabbits that help also.
We are trying to buy local when we can which helps save on carbon emissions and the best part is that the food we buy local... Tastes so much better than the food we purchase from the grocery store!
These are small steps in the big picture of things but, if we all took a small step and changed some of the things we do, we could make the environment a little better for our future.
Did you participate in Earth Hour?
Please comment and let me know what steps you are taking to help the environment and yourself!


  1. We did! Bloggged about it here. I especially enjoyed pulling out a hand-cranked radio we have for on hand for power/ weather emergencies and discovering an old-time radio drama on the local NPR station. It made for a very cozy evening

  2. P.S. -- Really enjoyed the music on your blog :-)

  3. we participated but only because we go to bed really early as a practice... my hubby did turn off the tv and came to bed, too ;).
