Monday, March 24, 2008

Garden Beds and Snail Shells

We started putting in our raised garden beds!

This is the area before we started.
We are building 4 ft X 4 Ft beds with old cinder blocks that we had in a big stack down by the barn, so that means that this project is free! Recycling materials that we already had and cleaning up another area of the property!

This is one of the beds, we will be topping it off with lumber that we also have and will recycle for our garden!

Ryan Loved digging in the dirt and found some snail shells that occupied him for a long time!

He held each shell carefully and examined them closely.

Here is Robin with Ryan hamming it up for a picture!

and Hunter, waiting for someone to throw his ball!
When we finish building the garden beds, we will have 22 4ft x 4ft beds total, I am so excited that we have started this project, I have been wanting a garden since we moved into this house!


  1. Looks like you are building a really great garden bed, and your seedlings are getting a good start...there's nothing like growing your own veggies!!
    do you also do a lot of canning?
    thank you for your kind comments on my blog.

  2. Thank you for the compliment Mimi! yes I love to can, I was just getting my produce from local farmers markets and orchards but now, I hope to be getting it from my own back yard!

  3. Looks like you are off to a great start there! And the nice thing is, once this part of the work is done, it will be reuseable in the coming years, too! I love canning. Nothing like those wonderful jars all sitting there on the shelves. And by the way? Hunter is beautiful!!!! Hope someone threw his ball!!!! Cora

  4. I am itching to plant some flowers but we had another frost so I'm glad I held off...although I am wanting to spruce my yard up...

  5. Great to find your site. We are set to build our 20+ 4x8 beds over the next week while I am on "vacation"
