Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Hanging around on a rainy day

This is Bebub, Our cat who stayed in the barn all day because of the rain, He sits here waiting on his turn to be fed!
This is Queenie sitting on her nest, I don't reach under her to gather eggs, she pecks when you stick your hand in and if you even get near her nest, she growls at you, like shes warning you to go away!

This is Charlie our Silver laced wyandotte, he is our only remaining rooster since we had a predator attack last week, Charlie and the girls were upset this morning because I would not let them out of the coop today!


Peggy said...

My animals all stayed in their houses today too except the ducks and geese. They played in a mud puddle made by the little shower of rain we got today.

Woody said...

just stumbled into your blog through hidden haven. you've wonderful taste in music, although i could live without ray

Annie said...

lol, It was just a funny song to put on in honor of my ladies!
Thank you for looking at my blog!